Monday, 18 March 2013

Google Glass Gets Gmail Evernote and more apps.

Google glass components and working
Google Glass has been in news this last week due to all kinds of reasons, from getting banned in a Seattle Bar due to "Privacy" issues, and getting some new apps, and Google saying that its going to come for Prescription Lenses too.

To all those who have been living under a Rock these past months, Let me explain what it is actually, Google GLASS, widely publicized as GLASS only, is an Augmented reality wearable Mobile computer, which displays information on your glasses, like in a kind of Science fiction movie that you might have seen, its feels pretty much futuristic to me still after announcement but its a reality.
Now Google have gone ahead and released some apps like Gmail, Evernote and New York times news Reader app, the demonstration was done in Austin, where SXSW interactive is taking Place.
These apps will work on "Timeline cards" interface, which is almost similar to Android interface, where user will be provided with short bursts of information with simple functionality.

Google Glass flexible 

For example, take Gmail, when you get a mail or want to read a mail, if its pictures it will flash pictures when the Glass wearer looks up or taps the Module on the sides, a Text to Speech converter may even read it to you, it will also flash the Picture of the sender, Subject line, and you may even dictate a response thanks to Google's Voice recognition system.
For New york times it will mean bursts of photos and headlines when you look up, Evernote app will let users share photos and videos via Skitch.

Rest all basic Functionality is Rather Simple, you say take a Picture , it takes a Picture, you say What is time Glass ? You see time!, You are Driving, may want to see the map to the destination in the Glass also.

Google Also Surprised everyone by saying that the Glass will work with Prescription lenses too, now that may only be possible if the Glass Module on the sides acts as a kind of projector for the Lenses or maybe special Lenses too.
When The "Timeline API" is released for the Developers , we can expect more apps like Google's Operating system Android, and it may become a device competing Mainstream Mobile devices, we can't say until its cost and availability are known for sure.

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